Grégory Beghin‘s movie Deep Fear follows three friends ( Sofia Lesaffre, Victor Meutelet, Kassim Meesters) and their guide ( Joseph Olivennes) into the Paris Catacombs. As Above, So Below, The Descent, C.H.U.D., Creep and The Midnight Meat Train are all familiar examples of this subgenre, but this list focuses on underseen movies set underground.
SCREAMBOX‘s latest release Deep Fear, as well as the nine other movies below, reinforce feelings of claustrophobia and remind you of what possible evils could be hiding below the surface. Trap someone in a confined, dark space below ground, then have them be pursued by someone (or something) - it’s a simple but winning formula. They evoke a fear that everyone can understand. Horror movies like Deep Fear take place underground, and they are often the most effective as far as compelling scares go.